Creativity in Marketing.

It is finally here, the 3rd installment in our conversation on marketing in the digital age. I started with the postulate that the internet, for all its flash and sizzle, is really not new in terms of communication, but it is faster and smarter.  But we come to learn Social Media or content driven marketing requires adaptation and perhaps an evolution from consumers as well as business and advertisers.
Feel free to watch that one: Thoughts on Evolution

In the follow up we defined agility and examined the necessity of paying attention and being willing to respond quickly, even if it means making a mistake. As in the famous "You can still dunk in the dark." Tweet from Oreo.

A Tweet from a brilliant Content Marketing Pro
during the blackout at the New Orleans Superbowl

Go ahead and watch that one again, you know you want too. Agility in the Digital Age

In this 3rd installment I explore the possibility of creating something from nothing. Building up a business from just an idea is easier that ever, or is it? It requires vision, creativity and a lot of hard work, so no I guess it is not any easier than it ever was, just "maybe faster and smarter",

I do hope you enjoy these and keep looking out, because more are coming.


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