Design a Marketing Campaign that Works
In a world where everyone and their mother is a Social Media Marketing Guru or an Online Marketing Expert, it is difficult to cut through the noise to find a tune you can dance to. Designing a digital marketing campaign is about just that design. It is important to look at a number of options in order to hone in on the graphic, wording, layout that is both attention getting and conveys the message. Throwing a cute kitten on a post about my latest white paper may get attention, but is it going to attract an appropriate audience. Conversely that dry research without some form of evocative image ain’t gonna get the clicks. I have been fortunate in my consulting practice to work with some open minded people that have allowed me to stretch the envelop of exciting and pertinent content. Here is a small cross section of some past designs and the audience data that went along with them, because let’s face it no advertising campaign is worth it if you can’t track its reach. While helping...