May We Live in Interesting Times
The age old Chinese curse seems quite apropos. While it is true, I said during the primary that if this
elections came down to Trump v Clinton that Trump would win (I didn’t want to
believe it yet here we are) but this is not an “I told you so” moment. It is a
time to assess our options and the choice we have made.
Hold on
tight America times are going to get interesting.
The people were looking for an anti-establishment candidate,
which I would believe and even laud if it wasn’t for the overwhelming reelection
of total establishment incumbents like John McCain and Chuck Schumer. So where
does this leave us?
I have been pondering this all night (literally I slept barely a couple of hours and lest you forget I have a 3 year old who will be
waking up soon, it is going to be a rough day)
So I have been thinking of worst case scenarios, and I am
inclined to think selfishly given that it is what my fellow Americans chose
last night, selfish, narcissistic, megalomania. Worst case scenarios how does
this affect me, my family right here in this house?
If President
Trump sweeps in day one and completely dismantles Obamacare, how does that
affect me?
Not at all
If President
Trump is able to build that wall, how will this affect me?
Not at all.
If President
Trump and his Congress are able to revamp the tax code so that it further skews
toward the top earners, how does that affect me?
Again, not
really very much.
If President
Trump tears apart NATO in an effort to allay with Russian, how does that affect
Nope not
much (cheaper vodka?).
If President
Trump returns us to an outmoded 20th century business and
manufacturing practice of total disregard for the environment and perpetual
rape of natural resources?
This hits a
little closer to home as I have long felt that we were on the wrong track when
it comes to being responsible stewards of our collective home. It does put an
undue burden on my daughters to clean up the mess that Baby Boomers have
created for us all. Although we were pretty much here already.
If President
Trump allows roving bands of white supremacist thugs to run rough shod over the
country side, how does this affect me personally here in this house?
Not very
much, but it will have an enormous impact on people I love and care for so this, then begs a response. What does one do on the eve of Kristallnacht do I pack my
bags and run for the border (fuck there’s that wall), Do I pick up arms and
resist (dude I'm 50 and not built for that shit), or do I go along to get along?
This is when
the hard choices will need to be made. I heard someone, in the lead up to
election night, say that collectively the American people are smart and that he
wouldn’t worry if we did elect Donald Trump. And I sincerely hope that he is
right although anyone who knows me at all knows that I do not believe this.
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