Copenhagen Design Week Sept 1st - 6th 2011

I have always been inspired by Danish culture, and this story, from @fastcodesign is no different.  The innovative sTREEt urban furniture is creative, attractive, and functional.  The love the modular concept, but I think having a random swing hanging under a lamppost could lead to trouble.
I have been a fan of KiBiSi for about 5 years now, when I first read about them in ID magazine. The urban forest idea I believe would have strong appeal and the concept of parks blossoming with “mother trees” covered with solar panels is a distilled brilliance.
I must admit I have a similar, though very different stroke of genius for freshening up the cityscape involving solar panels, windmills and oversized plants.  I have some drawings around somewhere I promise to share them, as soon as I get them digitized.
But what is it about Danish design that is so appealing?  The sparse clean lines, the orderly geometry, the blonde wood, and elegant minimalism.  I enjoy the dark cold matter of fact humor of the cinema, and the warmth and openness of there people.
All that being said why am I not there for the second annual Copenhagen Design Week?  Mostly because it is this week and I had no idea, D’oh!

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