Fostering Creativity Where-ever, When-ever.

bold ideas, the muse that
drives innovation.

But wait, this is not a true Haiku. A haiku by definition is not just a collection of syllables but also a requisite theme. That theme…is nature the Japanese revere it, and often juxtaposing two ideas or images.

Maybe this one is more traditional:

Shadows dance with light
Wind makes music in the leaves
Rolling down the road

If you look at the rest of this blog you will see that I am making an attempt to explore creativity and inspiration (spotty though my efforts may be) I do believe that the first Haiku distills it admirably.

Now I went ahead and created a fresh video post in answer to your request and I believe it also help to illuminate the theme of this blog while showcasing my unique suitability for a position with 87AM, heck even my usename m8qlaff (google it I dare you) has a certain resemblance to your firms name.


I am also including a video I created a few years ago that I feel gives insight to my design process. This is a furniture piece that I conceived, designed and built.


 The third video I am including here is something that I had nothing to do with other than a little encouragement and technical support of the young filmmaker that I believe is really going places. It is a compelling short that is worth the 10 minutes it takes to watch. Enjoy


If you would like to learn more, please check out my online portfolio where you will see my advertising and graphic design, my dabbling in animation and a whole lot more furniture. 

Ok now allow me just a little cover letter style plug (old habits die hard) My creativity, a proven track record building businesses and training teams, coupled with stellar experience developing client relationships and managing client expectations in all aspects of sales, advertising, and marketing makes me a strong candidate for this senior position. The diversity of my background and an affinity for emerging technology makes me unique among applicants. 



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