Now not that this is apropos of anything but I often ask myself. Why is it that when people say the value creativity the only mean, creative like them? It seems to me that when I am asked to “come up with something creative.” or “leave it too your imagination” I end up explaining a concept and then discarding it in favor of something more usual rather than unusual. Recently I sat down with one of the principles of Frog Design in San Francisco. We were discussing the elements of good design and I suggested that their portfolio of work presented an almost cohesive family of form. To which he expressed the necessity of the designer to represent themself in their work. I think I must take exception to this because I feel it is more necessary to represent their client in their work. Once you begin to design to a personal esthetic you begin to negate the wants, needs, and desires for the person who commissioned the design. I also see how this limits creativity, if, when we as designers and artist are striving match the look and feel of our produce to previous results. A fuller fleshed creative design is achieved when the designer is able to approach the product from the point of view of the client and need of the end user (with artwork this is a bit different)


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