Investment Advice

So I think that art might just be the bleeding edge of this new more tumultuous economy. How could anyone today expect to invest in a stock market where there is no long term certainty or any short term stability?
So where can one park some money, with a reasonable of confidence for a stable upward trend?  Why art of course!  To me it is simply more predictable then the stock market at the best of times.  There is just as much excitement too, a well timed fall and your holding could double. Or if you appreciate Chinese Art your artist could be swept up in a political crackdown and all of a sudden you are on Easy  Street.  I always check health records before the stock report and I read the arts section first in the New York Times.
Seriously how hard could it be to pick investable art? Chose someone one who is creating something no one has ever seen, ideally an artist with bad habits, heroine is of course best, but anything will do: drinking, womanizing, gambling with the mob.  You get the idea, anything that could result in an early demise.
Allow me to paraphrase  and say  "Greed is Good. Now go out and buy some art."

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