More Investment Advice from a Guy Who Knows
More investment advice, this for all you button down business types. Invest in self, that's right you are your biggest asset. Not you ability to make a buck, as my dad taught me, but whatever it is that you can physically do. Manufacturing and innovation is what this nation cut it's teeth on and we have left it behind in favor of chasing decimal points around a ledger sheet.
Learn a skill, practice a craft, create something and that is something no one can take away from you. No matter how bad the market gets or how low our collective credit rating or how depressed is the economy ( and I'm sure it's looking to put a bullet in its brainpan even now) , it will be not what you know but what you know how to do that will save you.
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Learn a skill, practice a craft, create something and that is something no one can take away from you. No matter how bad the market gets or how low our collective credit rating or how depressed is the economy ( and I'm sure it's looking to put a bullet in its brainpan even now) , it will be not what you know but what you know how to do that will save you.
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